Wednesday 3 February 2016

Day 31 - 31st January 2016

Old Railway lines Run (Durham)
11.26 miles

Well the final day of the January Challenge was here and I had a lot to do. I was also a bit hung-over after the Newcastle Pub Crawl. However, the run did not start until 2pm, so I had just about recovered as I reached the start line. There was quite a few people running this route today from the running club. We did two separate 7.5 mile runs, out and back in along the old railway lines of Durham. This gave me a total of 15km. However, I then had to go back out and run a further 3km to achieve my 100 mile target for the month. The last 3k seemed to last an age and I am sure my feet skidded across the ground as I ran them. However, as I ran the last 100 metres up the slope to my car and the Broompark picnic area I had a huge grin on my face. I had done it, 100 miles in January!!!!

So, only 11 more months to go!!!!!!

Final total for the month is 100.72 miles


Day 30 - 30th January 2016

Sedgefield Park Run
3.09 miles + 1.25 miles (extra)
4.97km + 2.01km

Well another Saturday had come around and it was time for the park run. I decided to race in a local park run this weekend as I had an important Newcastle pub crawl that was starting at 12pm, got to get my properties right!!!

The Sedgefield Park Run takes place in Hardwick Park. It was a crisp, sunny morning with a cold wind. There was a good turn out, unfortuantely I did not have a good turn of pace. I think the last three days of running had caught up with me. Nevertheless I got around and another 3.09miles had been added to my total.

However, my running did not stop there. I was quite keen to not leave too many miles for the last day of the month, so I did a further short run around the park, taking a few pictures on the way. This was a further 1.25 miles.

So my total for the month of January stands at 89.46 miles

Day 29 - 29th January 2016

Treadmill Work Run

Well tonight I had to use a bit of ingenuity and adaption with my running. I had to work until around midnight as I was dealing with a temperamental hydrogenation on the plant. Therefore, when I had a spare hour I jumped on the treadmill in the work gym and managed a quick 5k run. Nothing special, just churning out the miles to try and reduce my remaining total and to make it more manageable over the final few days of the January challenge.

So another 3.13 miles complete and my total stands at 85.12 miles.

Friday 29 January 2016

The Races are building up nicely!!

Hi Folks,

Well the race calendar is building up nicely for this year. I have already got places in the following, and every race helps with the miles.

March 6th - Haweswater Half Marathon
May 1st - Sunderland 10K
May 22nd - Pier 2 Pier
June 5th - Durham Coast Half Marathon
June 25th - Total Warrior
July 17th - Morpeth 2 Newcastle Marathon
July 24th - Northumberland Coastal Half Marathon
September 11th - Great North Run

Don't forget, please sponsor me. You can follow the link at the side of the page.


Day 28 - 10 miler to get me back in the mixer!!

Durham Run
10.08 miles

Well tonight was a nice pace 10mile run to get my distances for the month of January back on track. This run normally takes place on Friday, but was brought forward to Thursday night, which was just what the doctor ordered.

It was a lovely mild evening along the usual Friday route.

So another 10 miles and my total for January is 81.99 miles

Day 27 - Hill Reps

Durham Hill Reps
5.44 Miles
8.75 Km

Hi folks,

Well tonight (Wednesday) was running club. Normally on a Wednesday I would do the track session which involves interval training and normally has a distance of around 5k. However, as I have quite a few miles to claw back as the month end approaches, I thought I would go out around Durham on the Hill Rep course. The run was 5.44 miles in length and involved running hard up 6 hills and then jogging back down. There was a couple of steep hills, but overall it was an enjoyable run.

So that was another 5.44 miles added to the total, which has now reached 71.91 miles for January.

Wednesday 27 January 2016

Day 23 - Park Run (Twice)

Delemere Forest Park Run
3.06 Miles

Second Lap
3.12 Miles

Hi Folks, Well with a busy week last week and my 40th Birthday celebrations at the weekend, I have not manage to get as much running done as I would of liked. As a result I am significantly down on my target. I will have to pull out all the stops during the last 5 days of the month.

Anyway I did manage a lovely park run back home in the land of Cheshire on Saturday morning. It was a lovely sunny morning. After the 5k park run was finished I decided to run around the course again, to try and build up some more miles.

So overall a further 6.18miles added to my total, taking the total for January to 66.47miles.